Minggu, 03 Januari 2016

Mayo Diet Menu, How To Lose Weight Fast

Is it true mayo diet to reduce weight 7 kg to 8 kg in a month? For those of you who really run the mayo diet properly would get a change in the 14th day. Mayo diet was first popularized by the Mayo Clinic's USA just 13 days to lose weight.

If you look at the list of diet mayo, would be very pleasant. Because in the diet mayo are boiled egg, steamed chicken, and others. But there is one taboo that must obey. When you carry out this mayo diet program you are prohibited from consuming foods containing salt or salty elements.

Diet mayo diet is said to be unique and interesting. You can do enough mayo diet once a year. So you will not feel difficulty when implementing this diet program. The changes will be seen on the 14th day with the weight loss reached 8 kg without requiring you to hunger and detrimental to health.

Some artists Indonesia has a lot to try and practice this Mayo Diet. Some of them include Fitri Tropica and Mona Ratuliu. They were able to lose weight 6 kg within 13 days. If you are over the maximum again it is not impossible to lose weight up to 8 kg in one cicle mayo diet program. If you dizzy overcome distended stomach and want to reduce fat in the body, slimming program of diet mayo could be a solution. You just practice at home without having to bother.

Why can Mayo Diet to Lose Weight?

While doing mayo diet of diet usually perfunctory will turn into a regular diet. Mayo diet requires us to consume foods that are high in protein, low in calories and high in fiber. When you run the program diet mayo, salt and water present in the body are excreted in urine and feces. When the body does not get salt intake would lose weight because of the nature of salt that can increase the volume of water in the body.

How to Start a Diet Mayo
If you are on a diet mayo you just do it only by 13 days . During the run of this program you are not allowed to consume foods that contain salt and salty . If you break you have to repeat from the start even though you are hard to enter the 11th day .

During the mayo diet , diet consumed foods that presentation is derived from boiled , steamed , or baked . Fried food presentation is not allowed . Dinner later than at 18.000 . Drink 8 glasses of mineral water a day is also highly recommended .

Mayo Diet Menu
1 cangkir kopi tubruk/tea + 1 sdk gula pasir
2 telur rebus  matang + 1 ikat bayam + tomat
1,5 ons bistik panggang/rebus + selada yang ditaburi jeruk citrun
1 cangkir kopi tubruk/tea + 1 sdk gula pasir
1,5 ons bistik panggang/rebus + selada + 1 buah segar (pear)
2,5 ons ayam kukus + 1 buah pisang
1 cangkir kopi tubruk/tea + 1 sdk gula pasir
2 telur rebus  matang + 1 ikat bayam + tomat + pear
2,5 ons ayam kukus + selada yang ditaburi jeruk citrun
1 cangkir kopi tubruk/tea + 1 sdk gula pasir + 1 iris roti bakar
1 telur rebus + wortel rebus sebentar + keju trim 20 gr  (di gelael)
1 mangkok penuh pepaya + citrun + 1 gelas susu non fat
1 wortel besar mentah diparut kasar ditaburi jeruk citrun
2,5 ons ayam kukus dengan sedikit saus mentega yg tidak asin
2,5 ons bistik panggang/rebus + selada + bayam
1 cangkir kopi tubruk/tea + 1 sdk gula pasir + 1 iris roti bakar
2,5 ons ayam kukus + selada ditaburi jeruk citrun
2 telur rebus + wortel besar parut mentah ditaburi citrun
1 cangkir kopi tubruk/tea tanpa gula
1,5 ons bistik panggang+ 1 buah segar (pear)
2 telur rebus matang + 2 bh pisang

Mayo Diet menu in Indonesia
Mayo Diet Menu Day 1 and Day 8

            Pagi     : 1 cangkir kopi tubruk/tea + 1 sdk gula pasir
            Siang   : 2 telur rebus  matang + 1 ikat bayam + tomat
            Malam : 1,5 ons bistik panggang/rebus + selada yang ditaburi jeruk citrun
Mayo Diet Menu Day 2 and Day 9
            Pagi     : 1 cangkir kopi tubruk/tea + 1 sdk gula pasir
            Siang   : 1,5 ons bistik panggang/rebus + selada + 1 buah segar (pear)
            Malam : 2,5 ons ayam kukus + 1 buah pisang
Mayo Diet Menu Day 3 and Day 10
            Pagi     : 1 cangkir kopi tubruk/tea + 1 sdk gula pasir
            Siang   : 2 telur rebus  matang + 1 ikat bayam + tomat + pear
            Malam : 2,5 ons ayam kukus + selada yang ditaburi jeruk citrun
Mayo Diet Menu Day 4 and Day 11
            Pagi     : 1 cangkir kopi tubruk/tea + 1 sdk gula pasir + 1 iris roti bakar
            Siang   : 1 telur rebus + wortel rebus sebentar + keju trim 20 gr  (di gelael)
            Malam : 1 mangkok penuh pepaya + citrun + 1 gelas susu non fat
Mayo Diet Menu Day 5 and Day 12
            Pagi     : 1 wortel besar mentah diparut kasar ditaburi jeruk citrun
            Siang   : 2,5 ons ayam kukus dengan sedikit saus mentega yg tidak asin
            Malam : 2,5 ons bistik panggang/rebus + selada + bayam
Mayo Diet Menu Day 6 and Day 13
            Pagi     : 1 cangkir kopi tubruk/tea + 1 sdk gula pasir + 1 iris roti bakar
            Siang   : 2,5 ons ayam kukus + selada ditaburi jeruk citrun
            Malam : 2 telur rebus + wortel besar parut mentah ditaburi citrun
Mayo Diet Menu Day 7
            Pagi     : 1 cangkir kopi tubruk/tea tanpa gula
            Siang   : 1,5 ons bistik panggang+ 1 buah segar (pear)
            Malam : 2 telur rebus matang + 2 bh pisang

Such a review of the diet mayo that can be practiced at home . May be useful for readers , especially for those of you who want to lose weight and want to get the ideal body weight .

Look forward articles on fitness , diet , and other health cara-fitnesku.blogspot.co.id

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